2015 with Midnight Rosewater
12/30/2015It's the end of 2015! Midnight Rosewater is half a year old! In this last post of the year, I would like to take a moment to summarize what we have talked about this year and give you a sneak peak of what's to come in 2016.
As you probably already know, Midnight Rosewater is divided into 2 major sections: #LEARNABOUT and Chef Says.
The #LEARNABOUT sections are like the chapters in a textbook, focused mainly on offering accurate and interesting information, and it contains a broader range of topics: anywhere from food to science to art.
Vol 1. We talked about what this blog title is named after: rosewater, and introduced a class of water soluble "essential oils" called hydrosols.
Vol 2. We talked about my favorite vegetable: water spinach, which has more to do with morning glories and sweet potatoes rather than spinach.
Vol 3. We talked about serviceberries, which are also called juneberries, saskatoon berries, and a native berry to North America.
Vol 4. We talked about mulberries, which are silk worms' favorite food (leaves), and a delicious wild berry that could be found anywhere form the Americans to Asia.
Vol 5.1. We talked about roselle leaves, which are heavily used in Indian and Burmese cuisines.
Vol 5.2. We talked about roselle calyces, which are used to make jams and tea.
Vol 6.1. We talked about ground cherries and tomatillos, which are two highly related plants belong to the nightshade family Solanaceae.
Vol 6.2. We went bigger and talked about all of the edible species in the nightshade family.
Vol 6.3. We turned to the darker side and talked about all of the poisonous and hallucinogenic species in the nightshade family.
Vol 7. We talked about ginkgo seeds and ginkgo trees.
The Chef Says sections are more like the examples and exercises at the end of each chapter, where we teach you how to apply the knowledge you learned into cooking.
In the issue "Takoyaki, not tacos." We taught you how to make the most staple Osaka Japanese street food takoyaki, a delicious savory octopus (or cheese) pancake ball.
In the issue "Kombucha is served!" We interviewed Chef Dan Prentice of Unideli in Minneapolis, MN about his house made kombucha and the science behind it. They recently got featured in the Piggin' Out episode of Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives on food network! Check it out!
In the issue "The wonderful little 'green tomato'." We taught you how to make salsa verde with tomatillos.
In the issue "Jiaozi = dumplings." We taught you how to make the most staple Chinese food: jiaozi in the most traditional way.
In the issue "Hydrosols -- Water Is the Solution." We taught you how incorporate hydrosols into holiday/everyday cocktails.
Looking into 2016, we have many many exciting materials for you!!!
In the #LEARNABOUT section, we will talk about how your smell/taste/memory work together to create a unique and forgettable dining experience for you. We will also talk about other hallucinogenic plants and dreams, and these are just some of the examples of what's to come.
In the Chef Says section, we will continue to apply what we learned into actions: we will make quiche, and Burnese curry, and we will bring you more exciting interviews!
Meanwhile, we continue to make improvements on the much-loved Price vs. Value section: where we offer you an interactive guide to all the coolest restaurants to eat out at in Minneapolis St Paul. Let us know how we can make it better!
On behalf the whole team, I would like to thank you all for your support, and thanks to all the friends who have contributed to Midnight Rosewater. See you all in 2016!